Thursday, February 10, 2005

- Alarming

North Korea has announced it has nuclear weapons and has left the six nation nuclear talks. This is very alarming and adds just one more thing for our already tense globe to fret over. North Korea says:

The U.S. disclosed its attempt to topple the political system in the DPRK [Democratic People's Republic of Korea] at any cost, threatening it with a nuclear stick. This compels us to take a measure to bolster its nuclear weapons arsenal in order to protect the ideology, system, freedom and democracy chosen by the people in the DPRK.

Freedom and democracy chosen by the people in the DPRK?? Give me a break! If that is freedom in North Korea than their perception of everything else will be just as summarily scary.

Despite the fact that we are the most powerful nation on earth (therefore everyone expects us to police the world, then bitches when we do) and the wealthiest nation on earth (therefore everyone expects us to pay the most to the Tsunami victims and bailout all the poor countries), I think now is a great time to expect the EU to step up and take this one on.

We have our hands full in Iraq and might soon be in Iran. Europe needs to step up and pull their friggin' weight with keeping the peace. We are just a bit extended militarily, and our foreign policy has already pissed off about 94% of the planet. We can advise, nudge, scream all we want, but the EU needs to take on a more active (and proactive) role in helping make this big blue ball we spin on a little better place to be.


Anonymous said...

I definetly agree with you...

Nice post and good comentary.

Mark said...

Well, it's like everyone is trying to egg on the US. Iran, NKorea, China down the road, perhaps, economically... Everyone is trying to get us all hot and bothered because they know no one else will do anything about it. I'd love for Bush to shut his mouth and see what the EU does. We must we take on every piss-ant nation? Because the world looks to us to do it because they don't want to get involved. Because we are so strapped, we can't send troops to places that really need it like Somalia. I'm sick and tired of being the world's police.