Friday, February 10, 2006

- One Angry Democrat.

While eating lunch at my desk and taking a quick break from my work, I began surfing several blogs I frequent. One link begets another link begets another link and I landed on this open letter to Democratic senators.

Wow. The author, Peter Dubuque, so eloquently articulated what many of us Democrats feel and know, sadly, to be true. An opportunity (many, actually) to slice open the over bloated underbelly of incompetence of the Bush White House by aggressive, righteous Dems in Congress seems to have resulted, rather, in cowardly and impotent indifference. Here's an excerpt:

In short, you've undermined everything the Democratic party supposedly stands for and crippled your ability to revive your moribund policy goals. The death rattle may not come this year, or next, or five years from now, but as long as Alito is on the Supreme Court, the bloodletting will continue until nothing remains of the Democratic agenda. And so-called Democrats like you are responsible. As Edmund Burke wrote, "the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." And at the moment when decisive action was most desperately needed, YOU. DID. NOTHING.

I applaud Mr. Dubuque for letting our Congressmen know how he feels. I know many Democrats who feel the same way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great letter. I don't think he missed a thing. Sadly, he may have to add to it, as this current White House will undoubtedly be adding more to their legacy. Like today! VP Cheney accidentally shoots another hunter!