Friday, March 30, 2007

+ Guitars

Lately I've been heading out to the local bar scene to see family and friends play guitar. First, my friend Charlie is a very talented guitar player. Originally from Connecticut, he picked up and moved to SoCal over 15 years ago, and played in a band that opened for soon-to-be-famous MTV hair bands in L.A at the Whiskey A-Go-Go. He moved out to Colorado soon after and we hired him as a designer at the small publication design firm I worked at. He got married and settled down and didn't really play much after that. His wife recently passed away from cancer and he has picked up playing again, and practices with a group of guys and sometimes plays a little at bars. We went out one night and watched a friend of his play guitar in a small setting.

My nephew Matthew plays in band called Rope On Fire. I haven't really been as close an uncle to him as I would like, so I took it upon myself to design a logo for his group and have watched him play. I was very impressed and proud of Matt as he and his mates played fun, original alternative music and some cool covers. He looked pretty comfortable up on stage playing guitar (though his real skill is bass). They have a sound I really like and will definitely see him play more often around town.

And The Trailerpark Playboys is fronted by Don, a designer I currently work with. A musician most of his life, he plays lead guitar and vocals for what he calls a 'drinkabilly' band, alternative honkytonk. Think Stray cats with a cranky, meaty hangover. Don, the quiet designer on our staff (ha!) is passionate about his band. He came out with me to check out my nephew's band, and in turn, Matt came with me to catch Don's Playboys. Don is an excellent guitarist and quite the showman.

So, I've been exposed up and close and personally with more guitars the last couple months than I have my entire life. Kinda makes me want to learn to play. Or at least, put a guitar in the hands of my three year old son and get him started early.

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